by United Families International | Oct 19, 2015 | Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Religion, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, The Family, Values
by Christie Masters When my children were very young, I answered questions like “Mommy, where do babies come from?” with a comfortably undetailed, “They are a gift from God”. This worked until one of my young daughters wanted to know if she would be given a baby even...
by United Families International | Oct 16, 2015 | Constitution, Free Speech, Freedom, Gender Identity, LGBT, Marriage, Media, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, Same-Sex Marriage, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Supreme Court, The Family, Values
Only by ignoring their story could one assume that the Pilgrim Fathers did not come to this country for religious freedom. by Mary Jane Fritzen When visiting Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts one Thanksgiving Day , I studied Of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647, by...
by United Families International | Oct 14, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Domestic Violence, Family, father, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values, Violence
by Rachel Mallory Remember that sweet song most of us learned when we were young that stated “Kindness Begins with Me”? Well, through lots of personal experience, I’ve learned that the opposite is also true. Contention also begins with me, even when...
by United Families International | Oct 12, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Family, Feminism, Gender, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Religious Freedom, Single Mothers, The Family, Values
by Erin Weist Recently, a leader for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints spoke out in plea to women everywhere to stand strong in their faith and their calling as women. President Russell M. Nelson spoke in Salt Lake City, Utah in a worldwide broadcast to...
by United Families International | Oct 2, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Feminism, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Schools, stay-at-home mom, The Family, Values, working mothers
by Mekelle Tenney I recently became an official stay at home mom. My husband and I had our first child three months ago. About three weeks before our daughter was born I clocked out for my last day of work…well my last day of work at the office. I had decided well...
by United Families International | Oct 1, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Domestic Violence, Family, father, Gender Identity, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Values, Violence
By Deborah Wene Have you ever looked at a couple and wanted to be them because they seem to have the perfect marriage? Many teens experience this. Growing up, I had this perfect marriage in mind and hoped that I would someday find the right person to live the dream...