by United Families International | Dec 10, 2015 | Choice, Divorce, Family, Marriage, Values
by Tashica Jacobson My biggest shock when telling people of my recent marriage is the negativity that comes in response to this life event. They want to know if I am happy, and when I respond in the affirmative they respond with “just wait…” Just wait for whatever...
by United Families International | Dec 4, 2015 | Abortion, Choice, Cohabitation, Divorce, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, LGBT, Marriage, Media, Parents, Planned Parenthood, Same-Sex Marriage, Sanctity of Life, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, The Family, Values
by Mekelle Tenney My daughter is five months old today! This will be her first Christmas. Yesterday I took her with me to do some Christmas shopping at the mall. As we walked in and out of the different shops and boutiques I was observing the atmosphere, the shoppers,...
by United Families International | Dec 3, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Divorce, Education, Family, Free Speech, Parents, Schools, Single Mothers, The Family, Values, working mothers
by Rebecca Mallory Imagine this little scenario. Your 17 year old son comes to you with a notebook in hand. “Mom and dad, I have some demands I’d like to review with you. First, I’m done doing chores around the house. House work is just too menial...
by United Families International | Nov 30, 2015 | Abstinence, Choice, Family, Marriage, Media, Pornography, Sexual Freedom, Values
by Elise Ellsworth Would you want to participate in an activity which made it more likely you would be depressed? Commit suicide? Live in poverty? Fail in school? Have an unhappy marriage? Contract uncomfortable diseases? These are some of the outcomes that have been...
by United Families International | Nov 23, 2015 | Choice, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Non-Discrimination, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, The Family, Values, Violence
by Ally Fife Nazi’s didn’t start out by killing Jews. But eventually they killed millions and the average German had allowed themselves to be drawn into the lie. Somehow, the hope of a stronger Germany helped them believe in Hitler. He convinced them they needed to...
by United Families International | Nov 17, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Constitution, Education, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Schools, The Family, Values
by Mekelle Tenney It’s easy for us to get caught up in all that is wrong in this world. Last week our Friday night was met with reports of terrorist attacks in Paris where over 200 people were killed. ISIS continues to make the news with acts of terror, torture, and...