by United Families International | Mar 9, 2016 | Abortion, Abstinence, Birth Rate, Child Development, Choice, Demographic Decline, Diane Robertson, Education, Family, Family Planning, Health Care, Sanctity of Life, Sex Education, Single Mothers, Values
by Diane Robertson Two Community Crises Pregnancy Clinics in Florida are saving lives, changing lives, and helping communities one person at a time. These clinics offer pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, professional counseling, clothing and other material services,...
by United Families International | Mar 8, 2016 | Divorce, Family, Marriage, Values
by Jackie Bowles Being a mother of young children, I know how hard it is to squeeze in that weekly date night. I definitely could use one every week, but the logistics of actually putting the plan into action is hard. It can be difficult to find a babysitter or figure...
by United Families International | Mar 4, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Family, father, Grandparents, Marriage, Parents, Values
by Tashica Jacobson “Now what do you say…” was a common phrase heard in my home growing up. With eight children somedays I’m sure my mom felt like she was always breaking up a fight or encouraging someone to apologize. It wasn’t just that my mom was hoping to ensure...
by United Families International | Feb 29, 2016 | Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Identity, Marriage, Media, Parental Rights, Parents, Planned Parenthood, Religion, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Values
by Erin Weist Citizens in Australia have been dealing with a politically-motivated scheme trying to force its way into their schools. The program, entitled “Safe Schools Coalition,” seems useful at first glance. Its focus is on teaching anti-bullying messages....
by United Families International | Feb 26, 2016 | Child Development, Education, Family, father, Grandparents, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values
by Ally Fife When I was pregnant with my third child, my in-laws sent me a 500 page, hardbound journal written by my husband’s great great grandmother. Her name was Hannah Jane, and I became obsessed with her over the course of my pregnancy. She was amazing! I read...
by United Families International | Feb 23, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Family, father, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values
by Tori Perez It’s been a tough couple of weeks as a mother. When one person gets sick then everyone gets sick and when mom is sick it feels like everything gets thrown off. Or maybe I’m just thrown off because I’m sick. At any rate, it’s one of those times in life...