by United Families International | Oct 13, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Drug Use, Education, Family, Freedom, Health Care, Media, Research, Sanctity of Life, Schools, The Family, Values
By Jessica Westfall Last week Johann Hari’s views on drug legalization and human connections were explored, let’s look at an opposing side. Addiction psychiatrist from Arizona, Dr. Ed Gogek, has written a book titled, Marijuana Debunked. While Gogek...
by United Families International | Oct 7, 2015 | Abortion, Child Abuse, Choice, Diane Robertson, Free Speech, Freedom, Health Care, Planned Parenthood, Sanctity of Life, Values, Women's Rights
by Diane Robertson All of the videos about Planned Parenthood have come out publically. Many people have seen them. Congress has investigated. Some states took Medicaid funding away from Planned Parenthood because of this illegal practice. And now, judges are stepping...
by United Families International | Sep 30, 2015 | Abortion, Diane Robertson, Education, Health Care, Media, Planned Parenthood, Research, Sanctity of Life, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Values
by Diane Robertson The truth about Planned Parenthood came out as Cecil Richards testified in front of Congress. She had to admit certain myths circulating, some for years, are false. Myth 1: Abortion is only 3% of the business Planned Parenthood does. Cecil...
by United Families International | Sep 25, 2015 | Abortion, Child Abuse, Choice, Education, Family, Health Care, motherhood, Sanctity of Life, Values
by Jessica Westfall The allegations against Planned Parenthood have stirred up a frenzy of commentary online. I want to address one issue that has been gaining more and more of the spotlight. That is when an aborted baby lives. I had no idea this could happen or how...
by United Families International | Sep 24, 2015 | Abortion, Choice, Constitution, Education, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Health Care, Life, Marriage, Media, Parents, Planned Parenthood, Same-Sex Marriage, Sanctity of Life, Sovereignty, Supreme Court, The Family, Values
by Rebecca Mallory We hear it every four years. “This is the most important election of our lifetime!” I contend that that somewhat trite statement will never prove more true than in 2016. Never before has the very fabric of America been shredded and torn...
by United Families International | Sep 21, 2015 | Abortion, adoption, Child Development, Choice, father, Freedom, Health Care, Parents, Sanctity of Life, Values
By: Deborah Wene I was born in a very small town, in a small country with not many resources to help pregnant women. Many women gave birth along the road, on their way to the field or markets, most of which ended up dying because of lack of care. When my mother was...