by United Families International | Nov 13, 2014 | adoption, Birth Rate, Breastfeeding, Child Development, Family, Family Planning, father, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, stay-at-home mom, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, working mothers
Rebecca Mallory We thought there was pressure raising our four girls during the 80’s. All four girls are now very busy wives and mothers but believe me, my life was cake compared to theirs. In the 80’s my diaper bag said “Safeway” on it....
by United Families International | Nov 12, 2014 | Abstinence, Child Development, Diane Robertson, Education, Family, father, Gender, Marriage, motherhood, Parental Rights, Parents, Research, Sanctity of Life, Schools, Sexual Freedom, Single Mothers, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
Diane Robertson New Research being conducted on the differences between mothering and fathering has found that children need to the complimentary parenting styles from both genders. Jenet Erickson, research sociologist and author for the Deseret News, presented...
by United Families International | Nov 7, 2014 | Abstinence, Birth Rate, Child Development, Cohabitation, Demographic Decline, Divorce, Education, Family, Feminism, Marriage, Parents, Population Control, Schools, Sexual Freedom, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Women's Rights, working mothers
Mekelle Tenney Over the last 50 years the fertility rate among Americans has dropped from 3.65 to 1.89. The rate of households with one child or more under the age of 18 has also made a significant drop from 48.8% to 32.3%. In 2010 only 30% of high school girls and...
by United Families International | Nov 4, 2014 | Child Development, Education, Family, Feminism, Health Care, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Schools, stay-at-home mom, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Women's Rights
Nathalie Bowman Over the past few days, there has been an uproar among conservative Americans surrounding President Obama’s speech on October 31 at Rhode Island College. After he opened with a few jokes, mentioned going trick-or-treating with Michelle because his...
by United Families International | Oct 30, 2014 | Education, Free Speech, Health Care, Schools, UFI Blog
Rebecca Mallory What makes me qualified to write about Ebola? Not a thing. But, I’ve listened to the news ad nauseam. Does that count? So here’s my take. I know it’s a deadly disease that is highly contagious and that mortality rates are reported...
by United Families International | Oct 27, 2014 | Abortion, UFI Blog
Each life matters and the loss of any human life diminishes our own. By Kristin Wahlquist It is impossible to calculate the value of a life; things learned, people touched, and memories created. Each life is both incredible and irreplaceable. Every life begins when...