by United Families International | Jun 8, 2011 | Environmentalism, Family Planning, Population Control, UFI Blog
For the last 40+ years we’ve been told that the world is overpopulated and we have a crisis on our hands. But now, with fertility rates falling through the floor in virtually every corner of the world, the population control fanatics have to alter their message and...
by United Families International | Apr 14, 2011 | Birth Rate, Environmentalism, Family Planning, Polls, Population Control, UFI Blog
Here’s the question: “Do you believe that it is crucial that developing countries reduce their population? Here is the UFI reader response: 91 percent No 6 percent Yes 3 percent Unsure United Families International...
by United Families International | Feb 3, 2011 | Abortion, Family Planning, Planned Parenthood, UFI Blog
Aiding underage sex-trafficking rings, covering up sex abuse of children, coaching potential clients/patients to lie and commit fraud…sounds like a crime syndicate doesn’t. Nope, we’re talking about Planned Parenthood clinics. In the latest undercover sting...
by United Families International | Jun 23, 2010 | Family, Family Planning, father, motherhood, Parents, UFI Blog
The scene was a playground at a small charter school in a suburb of Phoenix. When asked by a classmate about his parents, the young kindergartner looked perplexed. “I have two moms, a mommy and a momma.” “But what about your dad,” asked a...
by United Families International | Apr 27, 2010 | Birth Rate, Family, Family Planning, Feminism, Religion, UFI Blog
Does the fact that the world is becoming increasingly less religious correlate with the fact that fertility rates have plummeted worldwide? In women, does irreligosity and childlessness go hand in hand? If a study of women in the U.S. is any indication, the answer...
by United Families International | Apr 21, 2010 | Birth Rate, Family Planning, Population Control, UFI Blog
Puning county in the southern part of China is in the middle of what you might call a “sterilization drive.” Nearly 10,000 women, identified as the worst violators of China’s “one-child policy,” have been selected for sterilization in a 20 day push. The campaign was...