by United Families International | Aug 28, 2015 | Child Abuse, Choice, Domestic Violence, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Media, Pornography, Sexual Freedom, Technology, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
Alyssa Samuelson & Jessika Tweedy Technology is such a powerful tool. We’re able to communicate with someone clear across the globe, send texts instantly, provide a means for understanding what is happening worldwide, and learn new information with just a click of...
by United Families International | Aug 26, 2015 | Abortion, Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Diane Robertson, Divorce, Family, father, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Media, Parents, Planned Parenthood, Prostitution, Sanctity of Life, Sexual Freedom, Technology, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
by Diane Robertson There’s this infamous company in Canada, Ashley Madison, which hosts a purportedly secret online dating service for people who are married or in a committed relationship. The company’s slogan is “Life is short. Have an affair.” Customers pay...
by United Families International | Aug 11, 2015 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Date rape, Domestic Violence, Drug Use, Education, Family, Health Care, Media, Parents, Pedophilia, Pornography, Schools, Sex Education, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
by Ally Fife It was finally a sunny day after days of rain. My children were so excited to run outside and play. I glanced out the window to see how things were going, when I realized the whole neighborhood was in our backyard. Not an unusual occurrence for us, but...
by United Families International | Aug 10, 2015 | Choice, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Media, Religion, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, UFI Blog, Values
by Erin Weist Churches and their faithful followers around the world have increasingly become the target of derision, suspicion, bullying and oppression. From news articles such as this one from the UK...
by United Families International | Aug 3, 2015 | Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Education, Family, father, Marriage, Media, motherhood, Parents, Sexual Freedom, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
by Erin Weist Someday I hope my children make it a priority to get married. I know it will only get harder to keep the traditions of family-building alive, rampant as societies are with self-serving choices. I wanted to write a letter in hopes of expressing to them...
by United Families International | Jul 22, 2015 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Diane Robertson, Domestic Violence, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Media, Parents, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
by Diane Robertson A restaurant owner in Portland, Maine has gotten national attention and sparked a debate after yelling at a screaming 21 month old baby girl in her restaurant and then ranting about it on Facebook. The owner, Darla Neugebauer, asked the customers to...