by UFI Blog | Jun 13, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Family, father, Freedom, Grandparents, Parents, Religion, Sanctity of Life, Values
by Erin Weist Trying to write an article this weekend was difficult. I attended a funeral for a sweet 2-year old, mourning with her family and friends trying to grasp some meaning in this tragedy. I woke Sunday to news of a mass shooting in Orlando, Florida,...
by UFI Blog | Jun 7, 2016 | Child Development, Education, Family, Grandparents, Parents, Sanctity of Life
by Cinthia Jahnsen I live in sunny southern CA where pool and beach season can be anytime from March through October, depending on mother natures temperament. As I drive around I always see signs out (huge signs) that say “Prevent Drowning, Alway Watch the Water.” ...
by UFI Blog | Jun 6, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Family, father, Freedom, Gender, Gender Identity, Grandparents, Marriage, Parents, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexual Orientation, Values
By Candice LeSueur It is common for heterosexual parents to feel disappointment, anger, shock, or guilt when their child “comes out.” All other family members may initially have feelings of disbelief or denial as they come to terms with a new reality that becomes a...
by United Families International | Jun 1, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Constitution, Diane Robertson, Family, father, Free Speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Identity, Grandparents, LGBT, Non-Discrimination, Same-Sex Attraction, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Supreme Court, The Family, Transgender, Values
by Diane Robertson “’Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’ ‘Yes,’ said Winston. O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended....
by United Families International | May 25, 2016 | Abortion, Abstinence, Birth Rate, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Date rape, Demographic Decline, Diane Robertson, Divorce, Education, Family, Feminism, Free Speech, Grandparents, Health Care, Marriage, Parents, Population Control, Sanctity of Life, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Single Mothers, Values
by Diane Robertson Every now and then I think of my grandparents and great grandparents and what society must have been like for them. Things were different back then. People married younger and the divorce rate was under 15%. Babies born to unwed mothers was under...
by United Families International | May 10, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Family, Grandparents, motherhood, Parents, Values
By Cinthia Jahnsen A few days ago, a woman shared a few obituaries with me. She apparently really enjoyed reading obituaries and thought I would enjoy listening to a few. One obituary was about a woman who had died in August of 2008. It said that her “presence will...