by United Families International | Dec 19, 2011 | Abortion, Family, father, Feminism, motherhood, Same-Sex Marriage, stay-at-home mom, UFI Blog, working mothers
Ann Bailey Sitting there in the dentist’s office, the Reader’s Digest cover caught my attention. Smartly-dressed Michelle Obama grinned at me from the cover and the headline read: “Michelle Obama’s Family Values.” But it was the quote from her that really got me...
by United Families International | Dec 8, 2011 | Family, father, Feminism, Same-Sex Marriage, UFI Blog, UN
The warning, “take caution – high wind advisory” posted this past week in some of the western states was not an exaggeration. My neighborhood felt the force of the high winds that reached up to 97 mph. Most homes were damaged, electricity was out for up to 72 hours in...
by United Families International | Dec 5, 2011 | Abstinence, Feminism, Marriage, Myth Buster, UFI Blog
Ann Bailey Feminists continue to insist that feminism and the sexual revolution have been a boon to women; freeing them to participate in sexual relations in a way that, only until the last few decades, was the domain of men. So, does the modern woman share the...
by United Families International | Nov 21, 2011 | Abortion, Feminism, UFI Blog
Today we at United Families International welcome Melissa to our UFI Team. Her story will astound you. Melissa speaks with a voice and experience that will touch hearts and change minds. You won’t want to miss her upcoming articles. By Melissa Anderson I was...
by United Families International | Sep 26, 2011 | Family, Feminism, motherhood, UFI Blog, Values, Women's Rights
by Rachel Allison The title “Why Working Moms Are Happier” was a taunt that caught my attention. The article by Laurie Tarkan first suggests that “women who believe they can do it all—the successful career, the clean house, a home-cooked meal every night—may be more...
by United Families International | Jul 11, 2011 | Feminism, motherhood, UFI Blog
The claim that mothers who work full-time outside the home do so out of economic necessity finds little support from evidence showing that the percentage of mothers in the labor force is greatest among the wives of top-earning males. It also flies in the face of a...