by UFI Blog | Mar 11, 2024 | addiction, Child Development, Drug Use, Family, father, motherhood, Parents
March 11, 2024 By Kylie Self There is a shocking prevalence of drug use in our youth. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “10.9% of eighth graders, 19.8% of tenth graders, and 31.2% of twelfth graders” have used illicit drugs in the past year....
by UFI Blog | Dec 11, 2018 | Drug Use, Health Care
by Jenet Jacob Erickson This last week, Utah signed into law what some have called “the best-designed” medical marijuana law in the country. Crafting that law was not easy. In just a few years marijuana has become a key political issue across the nation. Utah was no...
by UFI Blog | Aug 16, 2016 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Drug Use, Family, father, Grandparents, Health Care, Marriage, Marriage and Family, Parents, Research, Sanctity of Life, Values, Violence
by Peggy Sturgill We were very good at keeping the family secret when I was growing up. To the outside world, we looked like a normal, happy family, much like the Cleaver family in “Leave It to Beaver.” No one suspected there was a monster living in our house. This...
by UFI Blog | Jul 12, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Drug Use, Family, Health Care, Sanctity of Life
By Cinthia Jahnsen Every night around 9pm, my husband and I rush around the house to shut all the windows. It reminds me of Mary Poppins when the cannon goes off at the neighbor’s house and everyone goes to their “posts” to prepare for the incoming blast. (If you...
by UFI Blog | Jun 29, 2016 | Abortion, Choice, Constitution, Diane Robertson, Drug Use, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Health Care, Planned Parenthood, Population Control, Religious Freedom, Sanctity of Life, Supreme Court, Values, Women's Rights
by Diane Robertson This week has been a blow to Constitutional rights as the Supreme Court has handed out rulings on several cases. The first, second, and tenth amendment have all been ignored, as justices tossed aside the documents they pledged to uphold in favor of...
by UFI Blog | Jun 28, 2016 | Drug Use, Education, Family, Health Care, Parents, Research
By Cinthia Jahnsen Is sugar really as harmful as some make it sound? The answer is “yes.” Agave nectar, brown rice syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, glucose, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, sucrose. Do any of these sound...