by United Families International | Dec 28, 2015 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Media, motherhood, Parents, Pornography, Prostitution, Religion, Religious Freedom, Sanctity of Life, Sexual Freedom, The Family, Values, Violence, Women's Rights
by Erin Weist A few months ago we wrote about the World Congress of Families that convened in Salt Lake City, Utah and focused on issues that affect families and family relationships. I was fortunate enough to attend several of the lectures and am thrilled that they...
by United Families International | Nov 24, 2015 | Abortion, Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Domestic Violence, Family, Freedom, Sanctity of Life, Sex Selection Abortion, Values
by Jessica Westfall The book, Unnatural Selection by Mara Hvistendahl, outlines the history of population control, abortion, and sex selection from a pro-abortion standpoint. Using this information, I will outline 3 issues regarding this movement: recurring ideas,...
by United Families International | Nov 11, 2015 | Abortion, Birth Rate, Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Demographic Decline, Family, Family Planning, Gender, Health Care, motherhood, Parental Rights, Population Control, Sanctity of Life, Sex Selection Abortion, Technology, Values
by Jessica Westfall The book, Unnatural Selection by Mara Hvistendahl, outlines the history of population control, abortion, and sex selection from a pro-abortion standpoint. Using this information, I will outline 3 issues regarding this movement: recurring ideas,...
by United Families International | Oct 7, 2015 | Abortion, Child Abuse, Choice, Diane Robertson, Free Speech, Freedom, Health Care, Planned Parenthood, Sanctity of Life, Values, Women's Rights
by Diane Robertson All of the videos about Planned Parenthood have come out publically. Many people have seen them. Congress has investigated. Some states took Medicaid funding away from Planned Parenthood because of this illegal practice. And now, judges are stepping...
by United Families International | Sep 29, 2015 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Domestic Violence, Family, Health Care, Marriage, Parents, Pedophilia, Sexual Freedom, Single Mothers, Values, Violence, working mothers
By: Deborah Wene Families and cultures around the world have different views on cohabitation and there are some who do not see anything wrong with it. A couple of years ago, my older sister decided to cohabitate with her then boyfriend of 2 years. Prior to her...
by United Families International | Sep 25, 2015 | Abortion, Child Abuse, Choice, Education, Family, Health Care, motherhood, Sanctity of Life, Values
by Jessica Westfall The allegations against Planned Parenthood have stirred up a frenzy of commentary online. I want to address one issue that has been gaining more and more of the spotlight. That is when an aborted baby lives. I had no idea this could happen or how...