Over 30 organizations have filed amicus briefs to the Supreme Court in support of Proposition 8 and DOMA, with more briefs being filed.
Amicus brief literally means “friends to the court.” Filing a brief is a way for organizations to be heard by the court without being a party to the case.
The briefs have been filed by varying organizations, 19 state district attorneys, churches and religious coalitions, scholars and researchers, lawyers and legal groups, racial groups, and most recently groups from Europe and Canada.
Some of the prominent groups and individuals filing briefs are:
- Mark Regnerus
- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays
- Frederick Douglas Foundation
- Concerned Women for America
- National Association of Evangelicals
- Family Research Counsel
- United States conference of Catholic Bishops
- Liberty Counsel
A complete list of briefs and arguments submitted to the court by February 1st can be found here.
Among the individuals, organizations, and churches that filed briefs, at least four argue threats to religious freedom accompany a judicial decision striking down marriage laws. Three African American groups argue that preserving marriage as a union between one man and one woman union is nothing like racist laws banning interracial marriage. Thirty-seven legal scholars contend that states should remain free to determine marriage laws for their state. Seventeen international judges and scholars argue that international law does not support the redefinition of marriage. Gay and bisexual authors explain the importance of protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and scholars discuss the harm to family structure.
ProtectMarriage.com is the group that led the proposition 8 campaign in 2008. Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers led by lead counsel Charles J. Cooper of Cooper & Kirk PLLC, filed its opening brief with the Supreme Court on Jan. 22. The final brief will be filed on Mar. 20. Oral argument will take place on March 26.
Just so you know, traditional marriage is in capable hands and has support from organizations around the world.