A video created by Center for Reproductive Rights has been making the rounds in cyberspace. It has met with accolades from the pro-abortion world and jeers of disgust from everyone else.
“Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby” features an actor sitting in a chair in a well-appointed room with a fire place crackling in the background. The handsome actor smiles and winks seductively as he delivers his monologue.
“Oh, hey baby, Did you think I forgot?” he says, as he sips from his glass. “How could I ever forget our anniversary?” he continues as he talks to the camera as though the viewer were his lover.
This comment from one viewer sums it up nicely:
Honestly, disgusting on so many levels. For a black man to be celebrating – does he understand that today black children are aborted at five times the rate of white children? Does he understand that a black child is more at risk in his mother’s womb than at any other time in his life? Thought this was a sick joke – like a man celebrating that he could impregnate women freely knowing that he could just abort his offspring when necessary. And of all the tag lines – “Hey BABY”. BABY?
We won’t do anymore editorializing. You watch it and decide for yourself.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEMnyiDKUJI&w=560&h=315]