Craigslist can make cleaning and organizing your garage a money-making affair. Looking for a free couch or maybe a TV?—check Craigslist “free” section. Looking for services from a prostitute?—check Craigslist. The on-line phenomenon known as “Craigslist” has create trouble for themselves by allowing listings for “adult services” as cavalierly as they allow ads for the sale of a fridge. There have been some tragic consequences as a result. Craigslist ads have been used for child predation, for obtaining rape victims, and for providing a boost to both the “demand” and “supply” side of the prostitution and sex trafficking industry.
When 17 State Attorneys General demanded that they eliminate their “adult services” postings, Craigslist simply ignored their request. That is until a few days ago when Craigslist arrogantly replaced their “Adult Services” listing with the word “CENSORSHIP.”
Really….? Censorship? How about a little corporate responsibility! Craigslist has a responsibility to the community at large and its citizens—those citizens that have made Craigslist millions of dollars, by the way. Being a good corporate citizen means not promoting and making money off of sexual activity that is illegal in most states, not putting children and teens at risk, and not aiding and abetting pimps and traffickers. I’ve been a big fan of Craigslist for years, now I’m just embarrassed for and ashamed of them.