“…in a world still reeling from the horrors of the Second World War, the Declaration was the first global statement of what we now take for granted — the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings.“
~UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
December 10th, 2008 is the 60th anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UDHR has been widely celebrated since its inception in 1948 as the foundation of international human rights. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 and is known as the first universal statement on the basic principles of inalienable human rights for all nations and all people.
Acknowledged as the most translated document in the world, The UDHR binds the human family together with a common standard litmus test for the treatment all. Born from the aftermath of World War II, the UDHR became the standard bearer to be used as a template for other international human rights treaties laws, and constitutions.
John Peters Humphrey, the first director of the Human Rights Division in the United Nations and Eleanor Roosevelt, chair of the executive group of the drafting commission, are recognized as two of the leaders behind the passage of The UDHR. Upon the unanimous approval of the UN General Assembly, with some countries abstaining from the vote, Mrs. Roosevelt was quoted as saying that the UDHR was “the international Magna Carta of all mankind”.
But it was Charles Habib Malik, a Lebanese scholar, who was instrumental in shaping and securing the passage of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the full General Assembly.
Malik introduced the declaration to the General Assembly with these words:
“Thousands of minds and hands have helped in its formation. Every member of the United Nations has solemnly pledged itself to achieve respect for and observance of human rights. But, precisely what these rights are we were never told before, either in the Charter or in any other national instrument. This is the first time the principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms are spelled out authoritatively and in precise detail. I now know what my government pledged itself to promote, achieve, and observe. … I can agitate against my government, and if she does not fulfill her pledge, I shall have and feel the moral support of the entire world.”
You will note that The UDHR’s intention was to protect the right to life, liberty and safety of all groups of people, as well as recognize the importance of societies’ most treasured unit…the family, in enabling those rights.
The document has been criticized on many different levels – too intrusive, not intrusive enough, etc. However, all can agree that its basic tenet of promoting the well-being of the human family warrants success – if its principles are followed.
In the first paragraph of the Preamble it states that “The UDHR recognizes the equal and inalienable right of all members of the human family” and that this recognition “is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”
United Families International agrees that each individual, born or unborn has the right to life. We also agree that the family is the foundation of society. And, that the principles set forth in The UDHS of justice, fairness and equality means respect for life, family, cultures and religion. And, that these rights come not from government or nations, but from a higher source and are taught by the good families of the world.
There are others that would re-interpret The UDHS to enable the destruction of life and the family. This movement is not only destructive to individuals, but to whole nations and the world.
Join United Families International in celebrating The UDHS by signing the Universal Right to Life and Recognition of the Family as the Fundamental Unit of Society now.
If you believe in the fundamental human rights of the human family, help UFI defend the unborn today. Join us by signing the petition and by contributing financially. Your gift will help us fight at the UN and around the world to protect each member of the family.