The Senate is expected to vote in the next few weeks on a new piece of hate crime legislation that would provide special protections to homosexuals and transgender individuals. The legislation would give the federal government authority to prosecute violent crimes “motivated by prejudice” against “the actual or perceived . . . sexual orientation [or] gender identity” of an individual.
If passed, the bill would be another step forward in promoting the mistaken belief that the homosexual agenda is part of the larger civil rights movement and would provide special protections to individuals already sufficiently protected under current violent crime laws. Furthermore, it poses a very real threat to the religious freedom of those who oppose homosexual marriage and transgender behavior by implicating religious teachings in any wrongful attacks on LGBT individuals.
The bill already passed the House on Oct. 8 with a vote of 281-146 and Pres. Obama promised on Oct. 10 to sign the bill if passed by the Senate.
Unfortunately, the proposed policy is attached to an essential $681 billion military policy bill which authorizes military pay, weapons programs and other necessary services for the military. Republicans have accused Democrats of legislative blackmail by using essential legislation to advance a liberal social agenda.
The Senate vote has not been schedule yet, but we will be sure to notify you when it is. Until then, be sure to contact your senators and urge them to either pull the hate crimes measure from the military defense bill or, if necessary, to defeat the bill outright. We need to stand now against the advances of the homosexual agenda and oppose the manipulation of legislative procedures.
You can contact your senator through the capitol switchboard, 202-224-3121, or contact them online.